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Aleksey Kurenin

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Контроль Мучнистого Червеца.

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Biological control of mealy bugs in greenhouses

8 October 2012


Currently, mealy bugs are often controlled with natural enemies in organic gardens or offices, swimming pools, zoos and botanical gardens under glass. The results of biological control for these applications is generally good, but these are not applied in commercial greenhouses. Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture in the Netherlands studied the possibilities of the release of natural enemies.

In commercial production greenhouses growers have some practical experience with curative releases of natural enemies. The beetle Cryptolaemus is often not retrieved, and releases of wasps when mealy bugs are observed are often too late. Then still insecticide intervention is needed. In this project we investigated whether the continuous use of natural enemies can prevent the expansion of mealy bugs towards not infested plants and if they can control small hot-spots. With the commercially available parasitic wasps and ladybugs we were able to eliminate small hot-spots and reduce infestations of mealy bugs, but it was not possible to fully exterminate the pest. Controlling mealy bugs was not possible without corrective spraying with chemical pesticides because a zero tolerance policy is applied in potted plants. Flonicamid proved to be an effective and selective compound to control outbreaks of mealy bugs with little impact on biological control agents. This product is unfortunately not registered against mealy bugs in greenhouses in The Netherlands.

The research was funded by the Product Board of Horticulture.

Источник - http://www.hortibiz.com/detail/article/biological-control-of-mealy-bugs-in-greenhouses/

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Наткнулась на странную сплетню http://www.freshplaza.com/article/126330/Russia-next-year-production-of-greenhouse-vegetables-Moscow

Господа из Тепличных технологий, это буржуи о чем вообще говорят? Сайт Тепличных технологий с 2012 года не обновлялся :((

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Марите - это о проекте в подмосковье и к "Тепличным Технологим" имеет отношение, как клиент к поставщику :)

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А вот Hortidaily предлагает любопытное решение для маленьких полупрофессиональных теплиц.


Не идеальное распределение тепла, но по сравнению с буржуйками или просто солнечным обогревом может быть интересно. Правда, и споры всякой инфекции при этом будут разносится по всей теплице.

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Фоторепортаж (на английском) о тепличном хозяйстве в Канаде. Площадь не называется, но не маленькое.

Интересно, что попробовали огурец на высокой шпалере, но отказались из-за высоких трудозатрат. Отопление щепой и газом, интересное решение подачи щепы в котел.


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Марите спасибо за ссылку

там такая куча фоток интересных на сайте, втч и на тему неправильного питания и тд, но много очень интересной инфы

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Надо поискать, где-то у меня в файлах должно быть, но сегодня-завтра я к ним не попаду, на той неделе поищу. Это новый способ клипсования растений с помощью вязки из проволоки таких вот колец. Удобен высокой производительностью труда и тем, что при ликвиде культуры эти кольца можно вытянуть магнитом из измельченной растительной массы, а саму массу закомпостировать.

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Китайские ученые определили гены, вызывающие образование кукурбитацина в огурце. Оказывается, 9 генов отвечают за его образование, да еще два гена включают их работу при определенных условиях. Один включает горечь плодов, второй горечь всего растения.


Genes for bitterness in cucumbers identified

An international team led by Chinese researchers said Thursday they have identified the genes responsible for the intense bitter taste of some cucumbers, a plague to lovers of this vegetable.

The research, published in the U.S. journal Science, revealed how cucumbers, believed native to India, were domesticated from their wild ancestors that have extremely bitter fruits to make them more edible.

"Wide cucumbers have been used as a purgative in India and because their fruits are as bitter as wormwood they are not sold on the market," Huang Sanwen of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, who led the study, told Xinhua. "No one wants to eat wide cucumbers."

Today's domestic cucumbers are delicious, stress conditions such as a lack of water or temperatures too cold or too hot, however, are still able to cause them to bear bitter tasting fruits, Huang said.

In the new study, Huang and colleagues performed genomic and biochemical analyses on 115 diverse cucumber lines to unravel the biosynthetic pathway involved in domesticating cucumbers to the non-bitter fruits people eat today.

They were able to identify nine genes involved in making cucurbitacins, which confer a bitter taste in cucumbers, and showed that the trait can be traced to another two genes that switch on these nine genes to produce the compounds.

In short, bitterness is controlled by two "master switch" genes, "Bl" which confers bitterness in leaves and "Bt", which leads to bitter fruit, Huang said.

The study also found that a mutation in the Bt gene is able to keep domestic cucumbers from becoming bitter even when exposed to stress conditions such as cold temperatures.

Cucurbitacins protect wild plants against predators and have also been showed to have the ability to kill or suppress growth of cancer cells.

"The new knowledge on cucurbitacin biosynthesis laid a solid foundation for biological manufacturing and engineering of the compounds as antitumor drugs," Huang said.

The study also involved researchers from Nanjing Agricultural University, Hunan Agricultural University, Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as researchers from universities of the United States, Japan and the Netherlands.

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Liquid postharvest chlorine product officially allowed


Since this month ‘Florissant 520’, is officially allowed by the Dutch pesticide board (CTGB). This guarantees availability of this product for the coming years. Florissant is the only brand in flower preservatives that has a fluid chlorine product alongside the registered chlorine tablet (Florissant 500N).

The postharvest preservative for all cut flowers is liquid, and can be automatically dosed. Therefore, it is a perfect alternative to high-volume consumers of chlorine tablets.

“Quality is more and more important, both for farmers and wholesalers”, states Tjeerd de Looze, director of UFO Supplies, the company that sells Florissant in the Netherlands and abroad. “It is a way to differentiate and stand out in a difficult market.”

Enthusiastic importer
Marginpar, an importer of exclusive flowers in the Netherlands, uses Florissant 520 as a rehydration treatment. “We desire a universal products that meets the regulations of the Dutch auctions”, states Bram van Mil, who is enthusiastic about 520. “And by combining the correct postharvest treatment on our farms in Africa, and our facilities, we guarantee that our flowers have the best quality every day.”

Pink fluid
Florissant 520 is universal and suppresses bacteria growth in the water. To make sure that the chlorine does not vaporize, it is stabilized to stay active inside the bucket. Also, fresh batches are produced every week, in order to warrant the proper working. The pink component in the fluid helps to check usage.


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Реклама, конечно, но не могу удержаться :( (Совсем уж рекламу я удалила :) )

Кто сказал, что розы должны быть обязательно на срезку? Посмотрите, какую прелесть Rosen Tantau предлагают выращивать в 4 л горшках на радость дачникам и прочим дизайнерам



The Bienenweide® Roses are known for their compact and bushy growing varieties. The existing range consisting of a red, bright red and a yellow variety and is now supplemented by the new Bienenweide® Roses: Apricot and Pink.

Left: Pink, Right: Apricot.

All varieties are strong flowering roses. The single flowers  have a rich supply of pollen and nectar. Therefore, they are intensively visited by particularly bees and bumblebees. All varieties are self-cleaning and surprisingly robust. Depending on the variety they will have a height between 50 and 60 cm. A particularly appealing picture emerges from the combination of the past five luminous varieties. All Bienenweide® Roses are grown and delivered in a yellow 4-liter decorative pot.


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Только что закончились две очень важные международные (мировые!) выставки IPM Essen (техническое оснащение садоводства) и Frut Logistika (торговля плодоовощной продукцией и орехами).

Фоторепортажи с обеих выставок опубликованы

Эссен http://www.hortidaily.com/photoalbum/PAViewAlbum.asp?ID=49&CMD=THUMB&page=1

и Фрут Логистика - новинки и тренды - http://fotoalbum.agf.nl/PAViewAlbum.asp?ID=1205


В Эссене больше всего портретов не очень знакомых дяденек, но среди них попадаются интересные вещи, например аквапоника от Visser http://www.hortidaily.com/photoalbum/PAViewPhoto.asp?ID=5677&AlbumID=49и несколько следующих слайдов.


А на Фрут Логистика очень много интересного!

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В Голландии только что закончилась двухдневная экскурсия специалистов тепличников практически со всего мира (в т.ч. двое из Белгорода) по самым-самым высокотехнологичным тепличным объектам в Голландии - опытным и промышленным. Фото с подписями на английском



Как всегда, много портретов, но много и очень любопытных картинок.

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