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Президент Казахстана Токаев посетил новую теплицу в Степногорске

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Tokayev gets familiarized with greenhouse technologies development in Stepnogorsk

STEPNOGORSK. KAZINFORM - President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev of Kazakhstan visited the Greenhouse Technologies of Kazakhstan LLP, Kazinform cites Akorda.

Tokayev got familiarized with modern technologies to grow fruits and vegetables.

The greenhouse complex has an area of 5 ha. The project's investments total KZT4.8 billion. In 2023, aubergine and strawberry growing units are set to be commissioned. The company fully supplies its products to the domestic market.

The region is among the leaders in agriculture, accounting for one-fourth of grain crops grown in the country, producing most vegetables and poultry.



During the visit, the President commended the quality and noted the high demand for the products of the company, as well as drawing attention to the export opportunities.

In a meeting with agricultural producers of Akmola region, the topical issues were brought up as well as constructive suggestions regarding the development of the domestic agroindustrial complex were proposed.

The President noted that he attentively follows the situation and receives prompt information on the situation of businesses. He said that the State will continue supporting domestic entrepreneurs and elaborate new forms of cooperation.












Photo: akorda.kz                                                     14 February 2023, 18:37

Источник: https://www.inform.kz/en/tokayev-gets-familiarized-with-greenhouse-technologies-development-in-stepnogorsk_a4035763.

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